January–December 2006
In the field of biology research, information resources are often incomplete, out-of-date, and difficult to search. Experimental details are often shared anecdotally between researchers, offering little stable basis for sharing ideas and holding discussions around specifics.
OpenWetWare is a portal created and maintained by MIT graduate students in biology that promotes the open sharing of research, education, publication, and discussion in biological sciences and engineering. It provides a place for laboratories and individuals to organize their own information and collaborate with others easily and efficiently. It currently hosts sharing sites for 50 research laboratories from 30 institutions, including Boston University, Brown University, Caltech, Cambridge Research Institute, CNRS, Harvard University, and many others.
Student Participants: Jason Kelly, Danielle France, Barry Canton, Jeff Gritton, Reshma Shetty
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Drew Endy