This site has been archived. iCampus was active from 1999 to 2006.

Press Kit


MIT iCampus was initiated in October 1999 as a five-year, $25 million research alliance between MIT and Microsoft Research to enhance university education through information technology. The goal is to demonstrate leadership in higher education by sponsoring innovative projects with significant, sustainable impact at MIT and elsewhere. Now completing its fourth year, MIT iCampus has provided $16 million to fund 19 faculty research projects and 20 student-run projects. As a measure of MIT iCampus’s impact at MIT, the MIT iCampus projects have involved 96 courses with a combined enrollment of over 5,000 students. Over 300 MIT researchers, including 20% of all MIT engineering faculty and instructors, have worked on MIT iCampus research projects.

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MIT iCampus Blue Grey Logo

MIT iCampus BlueGrey Logo

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MIT iCampus BlueGrey Logo (gif)
MIT iCampus BlueGrey Logo (jpg, higher quality)
MIT iCampus BlueGrey Logo (Adobe Illustrator)
MIT iCampus BlueGrey Logo (.eps)
MIT iCampus BlueGrey Logo (TIFF)
MIT iCampus White Logo (gif)
MIT iCampus White Logo (Adobe Illustrator)
MIT iCampus White Logo (.eps)
MIT iCampus 60% Grey Logo (png)
MIT iCampus BlueGrey Logo with no words (jpg)
MIT iCampus with MIT MIT-Microsoft Alliance (png)