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Thomas L. Magnanti

Professor Magnanti was a founding co-director of MIT's industry-university collaborative research and educational program, Leaders for Manufacturing Program, and its on-campus off-campus graduate program, System Design and Management. He has previously served as head of the Management Science Area (about one-third) of the Sloan School of Management and as co-director of MIT's interdepartmental Operations Research Center. He is a past President of the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) and of the Institute of Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) and has been Editor-in-Chief of the journal Operations Research.

Dr. Magnanti currently serves on the International Advisory Board of Linköping University in Sweden, President's Council of Olin College, and the advisory boards of the Harvard Business School and the Stanford School of Engineering. He has previously served as a member of the National Research Council's Manufacturing Studies Board and on the board of the Lemelson-MIT Prize Committee.

Professor Magnanti received an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from Syracuse University (1967) and master's degrees in both Statistics (1969) and Mathematics (1971) from Stanford University, where he also received his doctorate in Operations Research (1972).

On two occasions, Professor Magnanti has been a research fellow at the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics at the University of Louvain in Belgium. He has been a visiting scholar at the Harvard Business School and has held visiting scientist appointments at Bell Laboratories and at GTE Laboratories. He has also previously served as a member of the corporate manufacturing staff of Digital Equipment Corporation, on the Science and Technology Council of Inland Steel, and as a consultant to Sabre Technology Solutions. He currently serves on the Boards of the Ford Design Institute and Emptoris, Inc.

Professor Magnanti's research and teaching interests focus on the theory and application of large-scale optimization, particularly in the areas of network flows, nonlinear programming, and combinatorial optimization. He has conducted research on such topics as production planning and scheduling, transportation planning, facility location, logistics, and communication systems design. Dr. Magnanti has served on thesis committees for approximately 70 doctoral students, supervising over 25. His publications include co-authorship of two textbooks, Applied Mathematical Programming and Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, and the co-editorship of two other books.

In addition to his editorship of Operations Research, Professor Magnanti has served on the editorial board and as an advisory editor of several journals and book series in the fields of management science, transportation, applied mathematics, and computer science.

He has received the MIT Billard Award and the ORSA Kimball Medal for distinguished service, as well as the Irwin Sizer Award for significant innovations in MIT education. He has also received the 1993 Lanchester Prize for best publication in the field of operations research and has received honorary doctorates from Linköping University, the University of Montreal, and the Université Catholique de Louvain. Professor Magnanti is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.