This site has been archived. iCampus was active from 1999 to 2006.
Home > Hotel, Parking, etc
Hotel Reservations
A block of rooms has been reserved for the nights of Thursday, November 30
through Saturday, December 2 at the Marriott in Cambridge:
Boston Marriott Cambridge
2 Cambridge Center, (Broadway & 3rd Street)
Cambridge, MA 02142
1-800-228-9290 (reservations)
The group rate for
the event is
$175.00 per night, plus applicable taxes, single or double
To reserve a room, call the hotel directly at 800-228-9290
or 617-494-6600. You must make your reservation by no later
than Thursday, October 19, 2006, and mention that you are
calling for the "iCampus/MIT" room rate. All hotel rooms are
available on a first-come, first-served basis, and it is
recommended that you make your reservations early. MIT's
Conference Services Office does not handle individual
Maps and Directions
Please click on the links for maps and directions to the
Center, (the location of Nov. 30 evening reception) The
Center (E51) (location of the Dec. 1 and 2 conference sessions) , and the
Marriott Cambridge.
On weekdays, there is no conference parking available on
the MIT campus. The closest public parking available is at
the Cambridge Marriott in Kendall Square, or at the Hotel at
MIT, located off Massachusetts Avenue on 20 Sidney
Street. There is also a small
public lot on the corner of Vassar Street and
Massachusetts Avenue. Rates for parking in the vicinity of
MIT are in the $25/day range.
On Saturday, there is free parking in any non-gated MIT parking lot, on a first-come first-served basis.
More information on parking near MIT can be found here.
MIT architecture student using a wireless laptop to do field surveying.
iCampus robot competition (2003).