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Home > Speakers > Irene Georgakoudi
Irene Georgakoudi
Research efforts in my laboratory focus on the development of
novel optical methods for "looking" at cells and tissues so that we can
understand better the basic processes involved in disease progression
and regression and improve the ways we use to detect and treat human
disease. Optical spectroscopic imaging techniques offer an ideal tool
for understanding how different biological units are brought together
and communicate as they determine our state of health or disease. Their
main advantage stems from their non-invasive nature, which allows us to
examine cells and tissues in their native state, without interfering in
important biochemical functions and without disturbing the dynamic
interactions between different units of a cell or an organ. Using a
combination of methods, such as fluorescence and light scattering, we
can acquire information on biochemistry, morphology and structure. Our
approach involves the development of new instrumentation and model-based
data analysis methods which allow us to study specific biomedical
problems. One exciting aspect of this work is that it is relatively
straightforward to transfer the knowledge we gain from the lab to the
clinic, since our techniques are based on the characterization of
intrinsic sources of optical contrast (i.e. they do not rely on the
administration of exogenous chromophores) and we use safe levels of